What I would like to hear are more personal anecdotes. I know for me if I can get past two weeks there is a lot of extra, solid energy. I say solid because it's not buzzing like caffeine but feels deep and rooted. It's pretty much impossible to sleep more than six hours at that point and I have plenty of energy throughout the day.
Otherwise ejaculation usually leads to a drowsy feeling and if done too much often leaves me feeling drained specially in the forehead and my kidneys.
As Tantra Bensko states I do have experiences with certain breath work and meditations that seem to shift these experiences and as someone who keeps an eye on astrological factors there seems to be something related to transits as well. Aries and Scorpio transits seem to have a lot more free energy as well as those dealing with Mars.
Similarly the Daoist traditions work with elemental motions where in energy is more abundant during the spring and summer than say the fall or winter and makes it easier to gather new energy. Though some would say semen is related to primal Qi or Jing and impossible to restore. . . in which case well. . . hindsight regrets.