I Hate Mainstream Music Way Less in Bali.
When partying is more than a way of life.
There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who listen to the music and those who listen to the lyrics.
I’m one of the latter (we’re going to ignore the hybrids and the absurdity of this reductionism).
When I hear music in the states and the lyrics are about trucks, jeans, rims, shots, “sluts,” beer, boots, or clubs I want to scream. I feel the need to apologize to the muses and atone for the absurdity of our delinquent consumerism.
I get that people have different tastes but when the subjects of those tastes are what we buy to represent our inclusion in a particular subculture, the booze we consume, where we party, and the constant prowl for sex I’m thinking this is less about taste and more about life goals.
On the best of days it's a throwback to high school, on the worst of days I wish fire fed on these particular sound waves.
Here in Bali, I’ve noticed I have a different visceral response. I still groan at the misogyny but if a local decides to blare a song about getting high in a club I’m less reactive.
If a party happens its every few months, usually in relation to a festival, occasionally just for the fun of it.
These experiences of partying and pleasure-seeking are rare and meant to be treasured. They aren’t the goal of the week; the means to forget the rat race people are too busy trying to escape to ever fix.
Personally, I find this makes it a lot easier to accept the party scene in general. In my mind, it becomes a Bacchus day. Just one more way to honor another piece of the human experience.
What about you?
How do you relate to party culture or parties in your life?
Love and share.
I’m starting something new. Writing every day as I put my random thoughts down on binary paper.
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