First off thanks again for a great article and for responding back. It’s great to see when people are really invested in their topics and looking to open up a dialogue about them.
I definitely agree he’s gathering a lot of projections wherein people attach to him the depth of the inner experience.
My question is whether or not he is fully aware of this and if so why he doesn’t do more to cut the strings?
Jung used projections in his 1:1 therapy but he cautioned against them when it comes to a therapist in the public sphere. His works are littered with warnings about how dangerous and in a way immoral it is for a therapist to allow for these projections in the public sphere because the mob mentality runs away with it and if the person themselves is not careful they’ll risk archetypal possession.
Something that I suspect occurs here and there with Peterson where it feels like he isn’t able to really see or acknowledge much of his own shadow or the shadow of the extreme side of some of his following.
As you point out the identification aligns with the “good” which leaves the rest of the human “wholeness” in the shadow which was a large part of what Jung worked on. Exposing those shadows and integrating them.
You’re much more familiar with Peterson’s work. Do you find that he tries to deflate the projections attached to his persona? Or how do you think he interacts with it?