Landscape with travelers and a Ruin. Jean-Baptiste Pillement.

Coloring the world in.

How traveler’s stories add dimension to the world.

Joshua Burkhart


I spent the day chatting with a couple from Denmark and as usual with these experiences, it filled in some blanks I didn’t know were there.

One of the bonuses of traveling here in Bali is that along with exposure to the local culture there are other explorers and travelers.

We each exchange our stories, tell each other about life in our countries.

It has been eyeopening.

Many are from Europe and we chat about the craziness of politics in our respective countries.

I get blown away with how much vacation time they have and they look stunned when they hear how much Americans work and for how little.

And then on occasion, entire perspectives shift and change.

I know that coming from Portland and a more liberal environment we often hold the Northern European countries up on a pedestal as the best examples of society.

And the people I meet from there aren’t complaining about their paid vacation, work hours, free medical care, and education but they are shedding light on things I’d never considered.

The subject matter of their educations, the uniformity of their culture, the lack of emphasis on spirituality and religion.

I mentioned incense today to my Danish friends and they hadn’t ever heard of it. I guess its just not something people do there.

They’re exploring their spirituality and practices but feel alone in their journey in a country that doesn’t share their interests.

I know I had a similar feeling in the United States but there were definitely more options, more accessibility to tap into the experiences that helped me heal and change.

Each person I meet becomes a window into another world, another layer of the global story that you just can’t get unless you are talking to a person from another place.

Statistics, data, and reviews can’t cover everything and I know that just one or two perspectives doesn’t speak for it all but it does fill in some gaps.

Love and share.

I’m starting something new. Writing every day as I put my random thoughts on binary paper.

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